Holloway Landfill is a Class III landfill governed by the following permits.
- Solid Waste Facility Permit, SWIS No. 15-AA-0308, issued June 4, 2009
- County of Kern, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 9, Map 28, issued April 1, 2008
- San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Permits to Operate, No. S-7754 1-1, issued July 2, 2011
- Waste Discharge Requirements, No. R5-2010-0123, issued December 30, 2010
Holloway can accept 2,000 tons per day (tpd) and 90 truck trips per day (ttpd) of waste to the landfill, In addition, the waste streams identified below can be taken all together as part of the 2,000 tpd. The waste streams taken for disposal will depend on market forces.
Current Waste Streams
- Dewatered Class A, B and Sub-Class B Biosolids
- Treated Auto Shredder Waste
- Cogeneration Ash (Fly Ash)
- Spent Sandblast Media
- Lime Filter Cake